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2011年2月28日 星期一

Drag of a good table tennis Player

Table tennis is a simple and fun sport that appeals to many people. A large part of the attraction is due to the relatively low requirements to players in a lot of areas. For the first fill the actual game area not very; Therefore, can be played indoors, and can even be included as part of a House rec room with little difficulty.

For another first is table tennis a low environmental impact of sport that can be played by almost any a, so that you don't have to be at extremes suitability to take it, in contrast to high impact sports such as football. These factors alone is generally sufficient to get people interested in table tennis; What will get them HOOKED on it is this fact is it's just plain fun. Despite the lower physical demands the table tennis, however, place certain requirements on the players you need to Apply If you decide to take it as a hobby.

The first thing you need to train in to table tennis is your reflexes. Table tennis balls are small, and can travel at relatively high speed, if thwacked hard. Therefore, you must train your reflexes enough to be able to intercept a small, high speed of the ball and not just hit it, but hit it correctly so that it gets sent back to the other player instead of just differ by an angle (after which it can fly in your face).

Here is a simple training exercise to improve your hand eye coordination. Have someone take a stick, on a long and half an inch wide feet. Have them hold it horizontally at one end in front of, palm facing. Open your hand Palm down at the other end, hovering on the blank above the stick. Let your partner, then release the stick. Your task is to respond to their drop the stick and catch the. You would be surprised by the number of people who fumble this simple drill down.

With the exception of reflexes, strong, flexible wrist. A common mistake of new table tennis players are using the fingers and Palm to adjust their grip on the Add p le, make changes to the awkward angle. When you get the Add p le, which settled comfortably in your hand, your palm and fingers should remain stuck in this position, and a majority of the amendments to the Add p le's angle is made at the wrist. The best exercises to create large wrist flexibility comes from martial art called aikido. No, I do not recommend studying it (although If you do it would help you a lot of other areas also!). On the other hand, you can buy a book or video on aikido basics, and these will often list simple wrist rotation and flexibility exercises you need to.

The next element that makes a good table tennisspiller is overall balance and good groundwork carried. If you can dance without falling over yourself, you should be fine. While table tennis not involving almost as much runs as other sports, this is actually part blessing and curse. The reason is because in order to move from one side of the table to the other, you have to rely on less steps and subtle shifts in the balance and weight. When these movements are much smaller than the broader General gross movements in other sports like running or cross-training, they can actually throw off the timing of people used to high athletic activity.

Finally, there is a certain mental element involved in table tennis If you want to win. You must be able to outthink your opponent, scheduling two or three step forward in the game and adjust your shot accordingly. The best comparisons would be to fences and chess, where the ability to feint and trap your opponent in certain weak position clarifies the key to victory. In table tennis, if all you do is react to your opponent's shot, you will lose. The simplest example would be to angle shots constant to your opponent's left hand, forcing him to backhand repeatedly, and then suddenly angling a wide shot and much to his vulnerable right. This kind of thinking is what you win games.

Mario Churchill is a freelance writer and has written over 200 articles on various topics. For more information about table tennis, also known as ping pong, checkout his recommended websites.

